IE3 Global offers over 130 different full-time internships, in more than 40 countries. With so many programs, we are able to offer work experiences in a wide range of professions, catering to a variety of different majors and minors.
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Please Note: The University of Washington at this time does not allow Virtual Internships.
Keywords: Marginalized Populations, Exercise and Sports Science, HIV/AIDS, Medicine, Mental Health, Nursing, Nutrition, Pre-Medicine, Pre-Nursing, Pre-Pharmacy, Public Health
Interns will spend four weeks doing rotations at a historic children’s hospital, getting a closer look at pediatrics and child health in Ghana. Interns will explore the social determinants that impact the Ghanaian healthcare system and contribute to the burden of disease. A great opportunity for Pre-med, Pre-nursing, Pre-PA, Public Health students! 2021 programs start July 3rd or August 7th.
Keywords: Spanish, Biology, Cellular Biology, Microbiology, Exercise and Sports Science, HIV/AIDS, Kinesiology, Medicine, Nursing, Nutrition, Pre-Medicine, Pre-Nursing, Pre-Pharmacy, Public Health
Interns will complete a variety of rotations in clinical, hospital, and NGO settings in the Andean capital of Quito, while taking intensive Spanish language classes with a focus on medical vocabulary.
Keywords: Health Policy, Medicine, Nursing, Pre-Medicine, Pre-Nursing, Public Health
Interns will spend four weeks observing community-based health programming in Delhi, India. Learn about public health from local NGOs, community members, and healthcare providers in one of the world’s most populous cities. 2021 programs start July 3rd or August 7th.
Keywords: Graphic and Multimedia Design, Photography, Advertising, Marketing, Public Relations
Interns will be individually placed in a specific company with a focus on marketing and advertising, based on their experience and interests in Cape Town, South Africa.
Keywords: Graphic and Multimedia Design, Advertising, Accounting, Entrepreneurship, Event Planning, Finance, Human Resources, Merchandising, Public Relations, Trade and Commerce
Work with a South African business and seasoned colleagues to gain hands-on work experience and explore the real-world application of concepts learned in the classroom. Through practical experience, interns will build valuable and marketable skills including, working in a cross-cultural setting, collaborating on a professional projects and engaging with clients.
Keywords: Agricultural Business Management, Agricultural Research, Agronomy, Horticulture, Permaculture, Sustainable Agriculture
Gain valuable horticulture/permaculture or animal care experience at a sustainable farm on-site at an internationally recognized learning community in Northern Thailand. Internships may focus on agriculture, animal care, or farm education.
Keywords: NGO/Non-Profit, Adult Education, Early Childhood Education, Elementary/Secondary School, Environmental Conservation, International Education
Keywords: Agriculture, Environmental Science, Sustainability, Forestry, Biology
IE3 Global collaborates with an in-country partner to provide high-quality, personalized internship opportunities. Through personal contact and hands-on student engagement, our partner matches students with an organization where they can learn and make a valuable contribution. They have professional opportunities in agricultural business, agritourism, sustainable agriculture, and climate adaptation in agriculture, climate change, forestry, and biological research and development.
Keywords: Animal Husbandry, Veterinary Medicine, Wildlife Conservation, Aquarium/Zoo Placements, Zoology, NGO/Non-Profit, Eco-Tourism
Learn more about New Zealand’s native species, conservation efforts, and animal care in internships across New Zealand. Animal-related opportunities are available in a wide variety of roles relating to animal/wildlife science, animal nutrition, wildlife ecology, avian science, veterinary science, husbandry, zoo management, education, rehabilitation, habitat restoration, and conservation.
Keywords: Animal Husbandry, Veterinary Medicine, Wildlife Conservation, Aquarium/Zoo Placements, Zoology
Interns will gain hands-on experience working with animals at one of the parks run by Wildlife Reserves Singapore (Jurong Bird Park, Night Safari, River Safari, Singapore Zoo). Interns will support daily animal husbandry, including preparing food and feeding animals, cleaning animal facilities, behavioral and environmental enrichment improvements, and other tasks as needed. Ideal for students studying zoology, wildlife science, veterinary science, and conservation.
Key Words: Art, Wildlife Conservation, Sustainable Development, Spanish, Environmental Conservation, Eco-Tourism, Environmental Sustainability
Join this public service non-profit as they employ education, research, and community engagement to tackle issues of climate change, environmentalism, and sustainable community development.
Keywords: Art, Architecture, Design
IE3 Global collaborates with an in-country partner to provide high-quality, personalized internship opportunities. Through personal contact and hands-on student engagement, our partner matches students with an organization where they can learn and make a valuable contribution. They have professional opportunities in architecture, green building, UI/UX design, VFX art, and 2D art.
Keywords: Culinary Arts, Spanish, Chocolate Production
Participate in a culinary internship with two master chocolatiers in the birthplace of chocolate. Drawing on historical records dating back to the European conquest of the Americas, their line of fair-trade chocolates is created from start-to-finish in Costa Rica and includes flavors drawn from local ingredients.
Keywords: Biology, Botany, Eco-tourism, Ecology, Environmental Conservation, Environmental Sustainability, Scientific/Environmental Policy, Zoology
IE3 Global collaborates with an in-country partner to provide high-quality, personalized internship opportunities. Through personal contact and hands-on student engagement, our partner matches students with an organization where they can learn and make a valuable contribution. They have professional opportunities in biological and environmental sciences in Australia.
Keywords: Entrepreneurship, Event Planning, Marketing, Merchandising, Public Relations, Brewing & Fermentation Science, Viticulture
Gain hands-on experience alongside seasoned professionals in Cape Town’s micro/craft beer brewing industry as a Brewing Assistant or Marketing intern. The beer scene in South Africa is exploding at the moment and this internship is a perfect opportunity to work in an exciting and up and coming industry.
Keywords: Fashion Design, Entrepreneurship, Marketing, Merchandising, Micro-Enterprise Development, Trade and Commerce, Economic Empowerment, Marginalized Populations, NGO/Non-Profit, Sustainable Development, Adult Education, Gender Studies, Anthropology, Economics, Women’s Empowerment
Our partner organization works to achieve the economic independence of women and to alleviate poverty at a grassroots level in Ghana by supporting the sustainable growth of small women-owned businesses. Internships are available in the following Sectors: Community Development Financial Management, Marketing and Media, IT, Product Design, Business Development, Public Health.
Global Mamas (formerly Women in Progress) works to achieve the economic independence of women and to alleviate poverty at a grassroots level in Ghana by providing support for the sustainable growth of small women-owned businesses. Internships are available in the following Sectors: Community Development Financial Management, Marketing and Media, IT, Product Design, Business Development, Public Health.
Keywords: Fashion Design, Advertising, Accounting, Entrepreneurship, Event Planning, Finance, Human Resources, Marketing, Merchandise, Public Relations, Trade and Commerce, NGO/Non-Profit, Sustainable Development, International Studies
Intern virtually in many fields across Australia, including marketing, finance, public relations, IT, tourism and hospitality, fashion, and communications. Most host companies are based in Sydney, but they may be based in other cities depending on your industry interests and availability.
Keywords: Business, Marketing, Communications, Public Relations
IE3 Global collaborates with an in-country partner to provide high-quality, personalized internship opportunities. Through personal contact and hands-on student engagement, our partner matches students with an organization where they can learn and make a valuable contribution. They have professional opportunities in accounting, brand marketing, business development, business technology analysis, market research, communications, and public relations.
Keywords: Advertising, Accounting, Eco-tourism, Entrepreneurship, Event Planning, Finance, Human Resources, Marketing, Merchandising, Micro-Enterprise Development, Public Relations, Trade and Commerce
IE3 Global collaborates with an in-country partner to provide high-quality, personalized internship opportunities. Through personal contact and hands-on student engagement, our partner matches students with an organization where they can learn and make a valuable contribution. They have professional opportunities with a business focus in Australia.
Key Words: Business, Marketing, Communications, Public Relations, Agriculture, Environmental Science, Sustainability, Forestry, Biology, Art, Architecture, Design, Education, Social Work, Community Development, Electrical Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Hospitality, Tourism, Culinary Arts, Computer Science, Information Technology
IE3 Global collaborates with an in-country partner to provide high-quality, personalized virtual internship opportunities. Through carefully designed student engagement, our partner matches students with an organization where they can learn and make a valuable contribution. They have professional opportunities in agriculture, business, finance, consulting, education, engineering, hospitality, law, and more.
Keywords: Advertising, Accounting, Entrepreneurship, Event Planning, Finance, Human Resources, Marketing, Merchandising, Public Relations, Trade and Commerce, NGO/Non-Profit, Digital Communications, Print Journalism, Media Studies, Photojournalism, Anthropology, Economics, Social Justice, Sociology, Family and Child Services, Human Rights
IE3 Global collaborates with an in-country partner to provide high-quality, personalized internship opportunities. Through personal contact and hands-on student engagement, our partner matches students with an organization where they can learn and make a valuable contribution. They have professional opportunities with business, social work, and a variety of other focus areas in New Zealand.
Keywords: Advertising, Accounting, Entrepreneurship, Event Planning, Finance, Human Resources, Marketing, Merchandising, Public Relations, Trade and Commerce, NGO/Non-Profit, Digital Communications, Print Journalism, Media Studies, Photojournalism, Anthropology, Economics, Social Justice, Sociology, Family and Child Services, Human Rights
IE3 Global collaborates with an in-country partner to provide high-quality, personalized internship opportunities. Through personal contact and hands-on student engagement, our partner matches students with an organization where they can learn and make a valuable contribution. They have professional opportunities with business, social work, and a variety of other focus areas in New Zealand.
Keywords: Animal Husbandry, Veterinary Medicine, Wildlife Conservation, Zoology, Biology, Conservation Fieldwork, Environmental Conservation, Environmental Sustainability, Genetics
CCF works to preserve the future of not only the cheetah, but its total environment and those of other animals as well as the farmers in rural Namibia.
Keywords: Wildlife Conservation, Sustainable Development, Spanish, Environmental Conservation, Biology, Botany, Conservation Fieldwork, Eco-Tourism, Ecology, Environmental Sustainability, Forestry, Geographic Information Systems, Geography, Habitat Restoration, Zoology
Join this public service non-profit as they employ education, research, and community engagement to tackle issues of climate change, environmentalism, and sustainable community development.
Key Words: Sustainable Development, Spanish, Bilingual Education, Education, Eco-Tourism, Environmental Sustainability, Public Health, Social Enterprise
Join this public service non-profit as they employ education, research, and community engagement to tackle issues of climate change, environmentalism, and sustainable community development.
Keywords: Spanish, Biology, Cellular Biology, Microbiology, Exercise and Sports Medicine, HIV/AIDS, Kinesiology, Medicine, Nursing, Nutrition, Pre-Medicine, Pre-Nursing, Pre-Pharmacy, Public Health, Traditional Medicine
This program provides a comparison of urban and rural healthcare practices in Ecuador by splitting interns’ time between the coastal metropolis of Guayaquil and the smaller town of Puyo on the edge of the Amazon Basin. Interns will rotate through a variety of clinics and hospitals, as well as participating in home visits, encouraging a comprehensive view of care in each area.
Key Words: Sustainable Business, Community Development, Horticulture, Permaculture, Sustainable Development, Spanish, Environmental Conservation, Biology, Botany, Conservation Fieldwork, Eco-Tourism, Ecology, Environmental Sustainability
Join this public service non-profit as they employ education, research, and community engagement to tackle issues of climate change, environmentalism, and sustainable community development.
Keywords: Horticulture, Permaculture, Wildlife Conservation, Sustainable Development, Spanish, Biology, Botany, Eco-Tourism, Ecology, Environmental Sustainability, Forestry, Geographic Information Systems, Geography, Habitat Restoration, Zoology
Join this public service non-profit as they tackle issues of climate change, environmentalism, and sustainable community development in an ecotourism hotspot.
Keywords: Computer Science, Information Technology
IE3 Global collaborates with an in-country partner to provide high-quality, personalized internship opportunities. Through personal contact and hands-on student engagement, our partner matches students with an organization where they can learn and make a valuable contribution. They have professional opportunities in data science, software engineering, software testing, and mobile game development.
Keywords: Spanish, Computer Science and Engineering, Information Technology
Gain world-class experience in one of the most exciting and important cities in Europe! Placements in engineering, IT, tech, and related fields are arranged in the vibrant capital of Spain in partnership with well-respected local and multi-national companies.
Keywords: Public Health, Mental Health, Social Justice, Counseling, Family and Child Services, Human Rights, Marginalized Populations, NGO/Non-Profit
Participants will have the opportunity to interact with clients of the host organization. At certain sites, you will participate in group therapy sessions, support groups, or workshops to address specific issues, such as stress management, grief, or substance abuse. You will also have the opportunity to participate in community outreach programs and initiatives to raise awareness about mental health and promote the services offered by your host organization. Further professional development opportunities may include attending relevant workshops, seminars, and training sessions to enhance your counseling skills and knowledge.
Keywords: International Studies, Health Policy, HIV/AIDS, Medical Research, Medicine, Mental Health, Nursing, Pre-Medicine, Pre-Nursing, Public Health, Anthropology, Social Justice
Work with a South African Public Health organization and seasoned colleagues to gain hands-on work experience and explore the real-world application of concepts learned in the classroom. Interns will develop a deeper understanding of the South African healthcare system, and how various societal factors contribute to public health challenges and impact public health initiatives in South Africa.
Keywords: Health Policy, Mental Health, Psychology, Public Health, Counseling, Marginalized Populations, NGO/Non-Profit
Yayasan Compassion First Indonesia operates aftercare facilities to provide supportive, caring environments where they can meet the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of women and children rescued from sex trafficking. Interns support in areas of education, program development, activity planning, communications, and media.
Keywords: Graphic and Multimedia Design, Marketing
Join a digital marketing agency in Singapore serving 15+ clients from seven industries. Ninety Four uses its experience in marketing and technology to help clients achieve their goals. Interns are wanted to support marketing and graphic design projects.
Keywords: Early Childhood Education, Elementary/Primary School, English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL), High School/Secondary School, NGO/Non-Profit, Event Planning
IE3 Global collaborates with an in-country partner to provide high-quality, personalized internship opportunities. Through personal contact and hands-on student engagement, our partner matches students with an organization where they can learn and make a valuable contribution. They have professional opportunities in education and non-profit management in Australia.
Keywords: Sustainable Agriculture, NGO/Non-Profit, Sustainable Development, Adult Education, Bilingual Education, Early Childhood Education, Elementary/Primary School, Environmental Conservation
Share your passion for environmental education and global citizenship with children and teens near Bangkok, Thailand. Interns provide teaching and programming support to the Traidhos Barge Program, part of the Three Generation Community for Learning.
Keywords: Early Childhood Education, Elementary/Primary School, English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL), High School/Secondary School.
If you are interested in pursuing a career in education, you will likely want to spend as much time as possible in a classroom environment under the supervision of a qualified teacher. An education internship in Cape Town offers you the ideal opportunity to gain practical international teaching experience in a unique cultural setting. The experience is guaranteed to broaden your global perspective on education, helping you see how education is approached and valued outside of the States.
Keywords: Sustainable Agriculture, NGO/Non-Profit, Sustainable Development, Environmental Conservation
Keywords: NGO/Non-Profit, Psychology
Join a team creating and implementing project-based curricula in a non-traditional school for adults in Tokyo, Japan. Work as a project or teaching assistant on a wide variety of projects spanning from theater and arts to solar power. Intermediate Japanese required.
Keywords: Education, Social Work, Community Development.
IE3 Global collaborates with an in-country partner to provide high-quality, personalized internship opportunities. Through personal contact and hands-on student engagement, our partner matches students with an organization where they can learn and make a valuable contribution. They have professional opportunities in education, social work, non-profit organization management, and community development.
Keywords: Marginalized Populations, Sustainable Development, Family and Child Services, NGO/Non-Profit, Women’s Empowerment
Support a New Delhi-based public charitable trust, which provides homes and resources for orphaned and abandoned children and underserved young adults in India. Interns will support activities from the head office and can also organize and assist with educational and social programs in the children’s homes. Opportunities are available within teaching (English, art, technology, life skills, etc.), social and health programming, IT, communication, organization, and management. Unique homestay option for interns to live at one of the children’s homes.
Keywords: Adult Education, Higher Education, Event Planning, Marketing, Public Relations
The Fulbright Educational Advising Center, located in Bucharest, fosters mutual cultural understanding between the US and Romania through educational exchange. Join a small but dynamic and highly motivated team of staff that can provide you with hands-on work experience in the field of educational exchange in student advising, event management, communications, and marketing.
Keywords: Electrical Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
IE3 Global collaborates with an in-country partner to provide high-quality, personalized internship opportunities. Through personal contact and hands-on student engagement, our partner matches students with an organization where they can learn and make a valuable contribution. They have professional opportunities in electrical, environmental, and mechanical engineering.
Keywords: Computer Science and Engineering, Information Technology, Biotechnology
IE3 Global collaborates with an in-country partner to provide high-quality, personalized internship opportunities. Through personal contact and hands-on student engagement, our partner matches students with an organization where they can learn and make a valuable contribution. They have professional opportunities in engineering, technology, and computer science in Australia.
Keywords: Event Planning, Marketing, Public Relations, International Studies, Adult Education, Higher Education, International Education, Counseling
Be a business start-up and innovation advisor in Estonia at one of the most prestigious technical universities in the Baltic Region! Bring your knowledge and experience of business innovation to Tallinn to help local companies move their ideas forward and learn all about starting your own business.
Keywords: Advertising, Accounting, Entrepreneurship, Event Planning, Finance, Human Resources, Marketing, Merchandise, Public Relations, Trade and Commerce, NGO/Non-Profit, Sustainable Development, International Studies
Participants of this internship will be paired with a host company based on academic goals and technical skills. As many startups are fast-paced environments, you will be in communication with your host site prior to your arrival to confirm your specific roles and responsibilities as they relate to work cycles. No coding experience is required but is viewed as a bonus.
Keywords: Film Production, Graphic and Multimedia Design, Photography, Writing, Advertising, Entrepreneurship, Event Planning, Marketing, Public Relations, Portuguese, Spanish, Digital Communications, Print Journalism, Photojournalism, Hospitality Programming
Put your PR, marketing and strategic planning skills to use in this emerging tourism company that provides tours of Rio de Janeiro that go beyond the main touristic routes.
Keywords: Sustainable Agriculture, Sustainable Development
ATREE is a non-profit research institution working in the areas of biodiversity conservation and sustainable development to conserve India’s biodiversity. Interns can assist on current research projects or support marketing and communication efforts from the office in Bangalore.
Keywords: Biology, Botany, Conservation Fieldwork, Eco-Tourism, Ecology, Environmental Conservation, Environmental Sustainability, Fisheries, Forestry, Geographic Information Systems, Geology, Geography, Green Construction, Habitat Restoration, Marine Biology, Oceanography, Scientific/Environmental Policy, Zoology
IE3 Global collaborates with an in-country partner to provide high-quality, personalized internship opportunities. Through personal contact and hands-on student engagement, our partner matches students with an organization where they can learn and make a valuable contribution. They have professional opportunities with an environmental science focus in New Zealand.
Keywords: Sustainability Agriculture, Sustainable Development
Encourage stewardship and support outdoor conservation programs with a nonprofit in the heart of Singapore. Interns will directly support the work of Waterways Watch Society (WWS) by coordinating and leading educational and clean-up programs for visitors of all ages. Popular programs take place on foot, bike, and kayak. English language internship. Perfect for students who want to work outdoors and share their passion for the environment!
Keywords: Advertising, Entrepreneurship, Marketing, Merchandising, Trade and Commerce, Economic Empowerment, Sustainable Development, Spanish, Economics
Participate in a business internship with a focus on international commerce in the birthplace of chocolate. As a fair-trade chocolate producer, this company’s business model is designed to give back to the local community and provide fair wages to local cacao growers.
Keywords: Film Production
Cape Town, South Africa is home to the largest film industry in the Southern Hemisphere and as a result, major films and international advertising campaigns are regularly filmed in locations throughout the city.
Keywords: Arts Administration, Arts Education, Fashion Design, Film Production, Graphic and Multimedia Design, Museum Studies, Music, Photography, Theater, Digital Communications, Print Journalism, Media Studies, Photojournalism, Public Relations, Radio Broadcasting, Television Broadcasting
IE3 Global collaborates with an in-country partner to provide high-quality, personalized internship opportunities. Through personal contact and hands-on student engagement, our partner matches students with an organization where they can learn and make a valuable contribution. They have professional opportunities with an applied arts focus in New Zealand.
Keywords: Global Health, Pre-Med, Nursing, Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy
IE3 Global collaborates with an in-country partner to provide high-quality, personalized internship opportunities. Through personal contact and hands-on student engagement, our partner matches students with an organization where they can learn and make a valuable contribution. They have professional opportunities in nursing, occupational therapy, physiotherapy, and medical settings.
Keywords: Health Policy, Mental Health, Social Justice, Disability Advocacy and Action, Counseling, Elder Care, Family and Child Services, Human Rights, Marginalized Populations, NGO/Non-Profit
Our partner in Edinburgh maintains a full range of programming that addresses the physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual needs of people with a diagnosis of dementia and their caregivers. The center also provides community facilities for the local population, and quality office accommodation for other charities. Our partner will work with you to tailor your internship focus to your individual skill sets and needs, as they match with the needs of the organization.
Keywords: Spanish, Biology, Cellular Biology, Microbiology, Exercise and Sports Science, HIV/AIDS, Kinesiology, Medicine, Nursing, Nutrition, Pre-Medicine, Pre-Nursing, Pre-Pharmacy, Public Health, Traditional Medicine
Keywords: Spanish, Biology, Cellular Biology, Microbiology, Exercise and Sports Science, HIV/AIDS, Kinesiology, Medicine, Nursing, Nutrition, Pre-Medicine, Pre-Nursing, Pre-Pharmacy, Public Health
Interns will complete a wide variety of rotations in clinical, hospital, and NGO settings in the Andean capital of Quito, while taking intensive Spanish language classes with a focus on medical vocabulary.
Key Words: Horticulture, Permaculture, Food Science, Sustainable Development, Environmental Conservation, Biology, Botany, Ecology, Environmental Sustainability
Join this public service non-profit as they employ education, research, and community engagement to tackle issues of climate change, environmentalism, and sustainable community development.
Keywords: Horticulture, Sustainable Agriculture
Intern with a small women-run collective dedicated to promoting forest garden biodiversity and food security through the conservation of traditional seeds in Southern India. Immersive experience for those looking for hands-on opportunities, as well as research, program development, and office-based work.
Keywords: Hospitality, Tourism, Culinary Arts
IE3 Global collaborates with an in-country partner to provide high-quality, personalized internship opportunities. Through personal contact and hands-on student engagement, our partner matches students with an organization where they can learn and make a valuable contribution. They have professional opportunities in cruise ship management, culinary arts, hotel guest relations, tourism, and hospitality operations.
Keywords: Economic Empowerment, Marginalized Populations, NGO/Non-Profit, Mental Health, Government, Health Policy, Political Science, Social Justice, Disability Advocacy and Action, Elder Care, Human Rights, Substance Abuse Support
Keywords: Health Policy
The Cambodian Organization for Children and Development (COCD) is a locally-run NGO in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, focused on children development in rural areas. They work with some of Cambodia’s poorest families, using a child-centered approach to improve social and economic empowerment, child protection and development, capacity building, and sustainability.
Keywords: Economic Empowerment, Human Rights, International Studies, Marginalized Populations, Migrants/Refugees, NGO/Non-Profit, Sustainable Development, Exercise and Sports Science, HIV/AIDS, Kinesiology, Public Health, Health Policy, Law, Political Science, Social Justice, Gender Studies, Anthropology, Sociology, Counseling, Family and Child Services, Women’s Empowerment, Youth Development
The Cape Town Human Rights Internship in South Africa is an individualized placement where you are placed in an internship that best suits your professional interests and experience.
Keywords: Economic Empowerment, Human Rights, International Studies, Marginalized Populations, Migrants/Refugees, NGO/Non-Profit, Sustainable Development, Exercise and Sports Science, HIV/AIDS, Kinesiology, Public Health, Health Policy, Law, Political Science, Social Justice, Gender Studies, Anthropology, Sociology, Counseling, Family and Child Services, Women’s Empowerment, Youth Development
The Cape Town Human Rights Internship in South Africa is an individualized placement where you are matched with an internship that best suits your professional interests and experience, in one of more of the project areas noted above.
Keywords: Advertising, Accounting, Entrepreneurship, Finance, Human Resources, Marketing, Micro-Enterprise Development, Public Relations, Trade and Commerce
The EducationUSA Advising Center fosters mutual cultural understanding between the US and Estonia through educational exchange. Join a small but dynamic and highly motivated team of staff that can provide you with hands-on work experience in the field of educational exchange in student advising, event management, communications, and marketing.
Keywords: English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL), Korean
Support international education and cross-cultural development while learning about Korean culture through this dynamic internship with the Office of International Affairs at the University of Ulsan in South Korea. Native English speakers will support international exchange students, develop and organize activities and events, and assist with communications and other tasks within the office.
Keywords: Advertising, Marketing, Public Relations, Digital Communications, Print Journalism, Media Studies, Photojournalism
Our partner organization combines print and digital media to engage a target audience and build trusted relationships that grow stronger and more profitable over time. Interns contribute in many aspects of magazine and online media production.
Keywords: Advertising, Marketing, Public Relations, Digital Communications, Print Journalism, Media Studies, Photojournalism
Our partner organization combines print and digital media to engage a target audience and build trusted relationships that grow stronger and more profitable over time. Interns contribute in many aspects of magazine and online media production.
Keywords: Print Journalism
Contribute to a local English language newspaper based in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. Interns will primarily support editing, marketing/advertising, layout/design, and content creation for The Times of Central Asia. Interested interns can take advantage of Russian or Kyrgyz language courses for a small fee.
Keywords: Digital Communication, Print Journalism, Media Studies, Photojournalism, Television Broadcasting
Interns will gain experience working within a foreign media organization, while producing work that will help them develop their professional portfolio.
Keywords: Digital Communications, Print Journalism, Media Studies, Photojournalism, Television Broadcasting
This is the ideal opportunity for journalism students, communications students, and individuals with an interest in writing and/or publishing. Interns will gain experience working within a foreign media organization, while producing work that will help them develop their professional portfolio.
Keywords: Wildlife Conservation, Zoology, Public Relations, Adult Education, Biology, Conservation Fieldwork, Environmental Conservation, Environmental Sustainability, Marine Biology, Oceanography, Eco-Tourism
Our partner organization is an informative and interactive marine interpretive center that promotes better overall understanding of Ireland’s marine biodiversity through engaging exhibits, fun workshops, and activities. Interns can contribute to education and outreach, research development, among other projects at the center.
Keywords: Animal Husbandry, Wildlife Conservation, Aquarium/Zoo Placements, Zoology, Biology, Eco-tourism, Environmental Conservation, Environmental Sustainability, Habitat Restoration, Marine Biology, Zoology
Interns will be placed in one of a handful of conservation-focused organizations. Opportunities range from working at an award-winning aquarium, to working with eland-the largest antelope in Africa, to gaining hands-on experience with African penguins, to working with the Western Cape government managing local nature reserves. South Africa has some of the most beautiful nature in the world and you can gain valuable professional experience at a reputable organization within this key industry in Cape Town and the surrounding areas.
Keywords: Event Planning, Marketing
Intern with a dynamic event design consultancy in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Softpillow Mollycoddle & Co. (SM&Co) offers interns a chance to be involved in all aspects of creative and management services to clients, including events, communications, branding, and design.
Keywords: Marginalized Populations, Exercise and Sports Science, HIV/AIDS, Kinesiology, Medicine, Mental Health, Nursing, Pre-Medicine, Pre-Nursing, Pre-Pharmacy, Public Health, Traditional Medicine, Gender Studies, Anthropology
These two community-based programs in Uganda will address interactions between poverty, ill health, lack of education, and the need for empowerment in sub-Saharan Africa. Additional opportunities in public health outreach and education campaigns available. This is a chance to increase your global health experience and visit a wonderful country.
Keywords: Economic Empowerment, Marginalized Populations, Migrants/Refugees, NGO/Non-Profit
Interns will support a Malaysian NGO near Kuala Lumpur. Tenaganita works to protect and promote the rights of women, migrants, and refugees both in Malaysia by providing legal aid services, awareness building, advocacy, research, and support to other organizations.
Keywords: Biotechnology, Biology, Cellular Biology, Genetics, Microbiology, Molecular Biology
Make a name for yourself in the world of genetic research while gaining invaluable hands-on experience with the Department of Experimental Plant Biology at Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic. Interns will join current research teams to support ongoing molecular and cellular biology research projects.
Keywords: Advertising, Event Planning, Marketing, Public Relations, Economic Empowerment, Human Rights, International Studies, Marginalized Populations, Migrants/Refugees, NGO/Non-Profit, Sustainable Development, Disability Advocacy and Action, Counseling, Elder Care, Family and Child Services, HIV/AIDS, Substance Abuse Support, Women’s Empowerment, Youth Development
Our partner in Non-Profit Leadership connects and supports over 500 non-profit leaders from across Scotland through their leadership journey. Our partner will work with you to tailor your internship to your goals and interests, through opportunities in member engagement, communication, service delivery, event management, and development of publicity materials.
Key words: Marketing, Communications, Social Media, Wildlife Conservation, Sustainable Development, Spanish, Environmental Conservation, Eco-Tourism, Environmental Sustainability
Join this public service non-profit as they employ education, research, and community engagement to tackle issues of climate change, environmentalism, and sustainable community development.
Keywords: Marginalized Populations, Elementary/Primary School, English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL), High School/Secondary School
Help bring nature and the English language to underserved youth in Japan with Mirai no Mori, a Tokyo nonprofit that runs outdoor camps, nature weekends, and leadership programs for abused, neglected, and orphaned children. Interns are primarily needed during summer term to help prepare and run three week-long camps in the forest. Office-based positions in fall and spring term may be possible, focusing on event management, fundraising, and program planning. Conversational Japanese or higher required.
Keywords: Spanish, Biology, Cellular Biology, Microbiology, Exercise and Sports Science, HIV/AIDS, Kinesiology, Medicine, Nursing, Nutrition, Pre-Medicine, Pre-Nursing, Pre-Pharmacy, Public Health
Keywords: Economic Empowerment, Sustainable Development, Economics, Government, Health Policy, Human Rights, Law, Political Science, Scientific/Environmental Policy, Social Justice
IE3 Global collaborates with an in-country partner to provide high-quality, personalized internship opportunities. Through personal contact and hands-on student engagement, our partner matches students with an organization where they can learn and make a valuable contribution. They have professional opportunities with a planning and public policy focus in New Zealand.
Keywords: Medicine, Nursing, Pre-Medicine, Pre-Nursing
Interns complete rotations in a variety of clinical and non-profit care facilities across India. Ideal for students from all backgrounds with an interest in health and medicine in a global context. Two program options of 10 weeks are available each term.
Keywords: Exercise and Sports Science, HIV/AIDS, Kinesiology, Medicine, Mental Health, Nursing, Pre-Medicine, Pre-Nursing, Pre-Pharmacy, Public Health, Traditional Medicine
Interns will complete rotations in a variety of clinical and community-based institutions focused on maternal and child health, reproductive health, HIV/AIDS, hospital medicine and social determinants impacting the burden of disease.
Keywords: Medicine, Nursing, Pre-Medicine, Pre-Nursing, Public Health
Center for Social Medicine: 10 week clinical observation internship in partnership with the Pravara Institute of Medical Sciences in Loni, India. Interns have the opportunity to study health care at the 900 bed teaching hospital and in local rural communities. Rotations may be tailored based students’ background and interests.
Keywords: Marginalized Populations, Exercise and Sports Science, HIV/AIDS, Kinesiology, Medicine, Mental Health, Nursing, Pre-Medicine, Pre-Nursing, Pre-Pharmacy, Public Health, Traditional Medicine
Interns with Child and Family Health International (CFHI) in South Africa complete rotations in a variety of clinical and non-profit care facilities. Applicants spend five weeks in Durban and five weeks in Cape Town.
Keywords: Adult Education, Elementary/Primary School
The Universal Study Centre (USC) is an ambitious private school of academic and vocational studies. Interns will teach or assist in the teaching of primary or adult education classes depending on their skills and interests.
Keywords: Spanish, Biology, Cellular Biology, Microbiology, Exercise and Sports Medicine, HIV/AIDS, Kinesiology, Medicine, Nursing, Nutrition, Pre-Medicine, Pre-Nursing, Pre-Pharmacy, Public Health
Interns complete healthcare rotations in the small college-town of Cordoba. Possible medical rotations include pediatrics, internal medicine, surgery, cardiology, neurology, and more. Interns may also participate in public health outreach, education campaigns, and social services.
Keywords: NGO/Non-Profit, Medical Research, Medicine, Pre-Medicine, Public Health, Youth Development
Keywords: Marginalized Populations, Public Health
WAO is a non-profit organization which provides services for battered women and children in Malaysia, as part of their goal towards creating a society free of violence against women. Interns have the opportunity to work within the main office, the refuge center, or the child care center in a variety of areas.
Keywords: Mental Health, Psychology, Public Health
Tokyo English Life Line (TELL) is a nonprofit mental health services organization that has been serving the international community in Japan since 1973. The Lifeline’s highly trained volunteer counselors provide free, anonymous, and confidential telephone counseling and general resources 365 days a year. Interns will have the opportunity to gain experience in event planning and fundraising, as well as support Lifeline counselor training and general operations.
Keywords: Public Relations, Digital Communications, Human Rights, Law
IE3 Global collaborates with an in-country partner to provide high-quality, personalized internship opportunities. Through personal contact and hands-on student engagement, our partner matches students with an organization where they can learn and make a valuable contribution. They have professional opportunities in a variety of industries including public relations, communication, and law.
Keywords: Horticulture, Eco-Tourism
Internship on a 25-acre organic farm with an eco-lodge provides hands-on opportunities for students interested in biodiversity, sustainability, tourism, hospitality, and non-profit management in India. Research projects also possible.
Keywords: Biotechnology, Computer Science and Engineering, Green Construction, Information Technology, Renewable Energy, Environmental Sustainability, Scientific/Environmental Policy, Physics
Complete a unique 12 or 24 week internship within solar energy in Sydney, Australia. This structured internship opportunity has been specifically developed to provide practical experience for engineering students within commercial sustainable solar panel installation. Ideal for those with engineering backgrounds who are interested in photovoltaics, solar power, renewable energy, design, and sustainability.
Keywords: Event Planning, Marketing, Japanese
Support a small international team in the heart of Tokyo, Japan, working to raise awareness nationwide about breast cancer through outreach programs, events, and a bilingual magazine. Interns will assist with event planning, fundraising, communication, and outreach programs while learning more about public and community health, social change, and nonprofit management.
Keywords: Animal Husbandry, Veterinary Medicine, Wildlife Conservation, Zoology, Biology, Conservation Fieldwork, Environmental Conservation, Fisheries, Marine Biology
The South African Shark Conservancy, is an NGO committed to the conservation and sustainable use of living marine resources. They conduct ecosystem-based research to understand sharks and their habitats for conservation and management purposes. Interns will be part of making lasting contributions to shark conservation.
Keywords: Human Rights, NGO/Non-Profit
Interns will support a community-based non-profit focused on human rights for sex workers in Singapore and beyond. Project X is challenging the stigma of sex work and working to end discrimination that results in physical, verbal, emotional, and financial violence.
Keywords: Agricultural Research, Agronomy, Horticulture, Permaculture, Sustainable Agriculture, Spanish, Biotechnology, Green Construction, Renewable Technology, Biology, Botany, Cellular Biology, Genetics, Microbiology, Molecular Biology, Medical Research, Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics
A wide variety of STEM research internship positions are available in renowned hospitals, labs, universities and research centers in vibrant Madrid and the coastal jewel of Valencia, Spain.
Keywords: Agricultural Business Management, Agricultural Research, Agronomy, Horticulture, Permaculture, Sustainable Agriculture, Culinary Arts, Landscape Architecture, Eco-Tourism, Environmental Conservation, Environmental Sustainability, Nutrition, Religious Studies
Our Sustainability and Horticulture partner organization is a residential Buddhist retreat center located among the hills and lakes of northwestern Ireland. The center is open to all visitors, Buddhist or otherwise, and strives to promote environmental conservation, peaceful coexistence, and inter-faith dialogue. Interns have opportunities to develop skills in organic garden management and organic meal design and preparation.
Keywords: NGO/Non-Profit, Sustainable Development, Japanese
Join a dynamic team in Tokyo, Japan, to support the work of Peace Boat, an international NGO that works to promote peace, human rights, equitable development, and sustainability around the world. English language internship, with additional opportunities for applicants with Japanese or Spanish language skills.