Keywords: Entrepreneurship, Event Planning, Marketing, Merchandising, Public Relations, Brewing & Fermentation Science, Viticulture
Gain hands-on experience alongside seasoned professionals in Cape Town’s micro/craft beer brewing industry as a Brewing Assistant or Marketing intern. The beer scene in South Africa is exploding at the moment and this internship is a perfect opportunity to work in an exciting and up and coming industry.
Keywords: Advertising, Accounting, Entrepreneurship, Finance, Human Resources, Marketing, Micro-Enterprise Development, Public Relations, Trade and Commerce
The EducationUSA Advising Center fosters mutual cultural understanding between the US and Estonia through educational exchange. Join a small but dynamic and highly motivated team of staff that can provide you with hands-on work experience in the field of educational exchange in student advising, event management, communications, and marketing.
Keywords: English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL), Japanese
Teach English and support activities at a liberal arts university located along the eastern coast of Japan. Interns work with English majors in and outside of the classroom and can take advantage of Japanese language courses and a vibrant international community on-campus.
Internships in off-the-beaten-track destinations in China for most majors. Individualized placements available within engineering, science, business, finance, design, architecture, education, hospitality, IT/tech, law, NGOs, media, sports, and trade in the cities of Chengdu, Dalian, Qingdao, or Zhuhai.
Keywords: English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL), Korean
Support international education and cross-cultural development while learning about Korean culture through this dynamic internship with the Office of International Affairs at the University of Ulsan in South Korea. Native English speakers will support international exchange students, develop and organize activities and events, and assist with communications and other tasks within the office.
Keywords: Chinese, English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL)
A unique education-based internship facilitating and developing life skills courses for children in Shanghai, China. English-based programs run year-round and are led by a dynamic international leadership team. Marketing opportunities also available.
Britney is studying abroad for a year from Fall 2015 until Spring 2016 at the University of Sheffield in England. She lives and goes to classes in a church and often rides a paternoster.
Last Fall, Jenna traveled to Uganda to work with KIHEFO and conduct health surveys.
Keywords: German, Advertising, Entrepreneurship, Event Planning, Marketing, Merchandising, Micro-Enterprise Development, Public Relations, Trade and Commerce
Located in central Munich, Germany, our partner organization develops innovative crowdfunding campaigns to support local athletes and teams to compete at the highest level. Interns will have the opportunity to join this small but growing business and support its online marketing and global growth strategy development.
Whitney travels to Cambodia and learns 7 lessons from an Australian couple that she lives with.