Keywords: Public Health, Mental Health, Social Justice, Counseling, Family and Child Services, Human Rights, Marginalized Populations, NGO/Non-Profit
Participants will have the opportunity to interact with clients of the host organization. At certain sites, you will participate in group therapy sessions, support groups, or workshops to address specific issues, such as stress management, grief, or substance abuse. You will also have the opportunity to participate in community outreach programs and initiatives to raise awareness about mental health and promote the services offered by your host organization. Further professional development opportunities may include attending relevant workshops, seminars, and training sessions to enhance your counseling skills and knowledge.
Keywords: Early Childhood Education, Elementary/Primary School, English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL), High School/Secondary School.
If you are interested in pursuing a career in education, you will likely want to spend as much time as possible in a classroom environment under the supervision of a qualified teacher. An education internship in Cape Town offers you the ideal opportunity to gain practical international teaching experience in a unique cultural setting. The experience is guaranteed to broaden your global perspective on education, helping you see how education is approached and valued outside of the States.
Keywords: Advertising, Accounting, Entrepreneurship, Event Planning, Finance, Human Resources, Marketing, Merchandise, Public Relations, Trade and Commerce, NGO/Non-Profit, Sustainable Development, International Studies
Participants of this internship will be paired with a host company based on academic goals and technical skills. As many startups are fast-paced environments, you will be in communication with your host site prior to your arrival to confirm your specific roles and responsibilities as they relate to work cycles. No coding experience is required but is viewed as a bonus.
Keywords: Economic Empowerment, Human Rights, International Studies, Marginalized Populations, Migrants/Refugees, NGO/Non-Profit, Sustainable Development, Exercise and Sports Science, HIV/AIDS, Kinesiology, Public Health, Health Policy, Law, Political Science, Social Justice, Gender Studies, Anthropology, Sociology, Counseling, Family and Child Services, Women’s Empowerment, Youth Development
The Cape Town Human Rights Internship in South Africa is an individualized placement where you are matched with an internship that best suits your professional interests and experience, in one of more of the project areas noted above.
Keywords: International Studies, Health Policy, HIV/AIDS, Medical Research, Medicine, Mental Health, Nursing, Pre-Medicine, Pre-Nursing, Public Health, Anthropology, Social Justice
Work with a South African Public Health organization and seasoned colleagues to gain hands-on work experience and explore the real-world application of concepts learned in the classroom. Interns will develop a deeper understanding of the South African healthcare system, and how various societal factors contribute to public health challenges and impact public health initiatives in South Africa.
Keywords: Graphic and Multimedia Design, Advertising, Accounting, Entrepreneurship, Event Planning, Finance, Human Resources, Merchandising, Public Relations, Trade and Commerce
Work with a South African business and seasoned colleagues to gain hands-on work experience and explore the real-world application of concepts learned in the classroom. Through practical experience, interns will build valuable and marketable skills including, working in a cross-cultural setting, collaborating on a professional projects and engaging with clients.
Keywords: Digital Communications, Print Journalism, Media Studies, Photojournalism, Television Broadcasting
This is the ideal opportunity for journalism students, communications students, and individuals with an interest in writing and/or publishing. Interns will gain experience working within a foreign media organization, while producing work that will help them develop their professional portfolio.
Keywords: Elementary/Primary School, International Education, Special Education, HIV/AIDS, Mental Health, Psychology, Public Health, Gender Studies, Sociology, Disability Advocacy and Action, Counseling, Elder Care, Family and Child Services, Human Rights. Marginalized Populations. Migrants/Refugees. NGO/Non-Profit. Substance Abuse Support. Women’s Empowerment. Youth Development
Since 2013, this program has offered a variety of fieldwork practicums with a focus on social work and public health.
Keywords: Animal Husbandry, Veterinary Medicine, Wildlife Conservation, Zoology, Biology, Conservation Fieldwork, Environmental Conservation, Fisheries, Marine Biology
The South African Shark Conservancy, is an NGO committed to the conservation and sustainable use of living marine resources. They conduct ecosystem-based research to understand sharks and their habitats for conservation and management purposes. Interns will be part of making lasting contributions to shark conservation.
Keywords: Marginalized Populations, Exercise and Sports Science, HIV/AIDS, Medicine, Mental Health, Nursing, Nutrition, Pre-Medicine, Pre-Nursing, Pre-Pharmacy, Public Health
Interns will spend four weeks doing rotations at a historic children’s hospital, getting a closer look at pediatrics and child health in Ghana. Interns will explore the social determinants that impact the Ghanaian healthcare system and contribute to the burden of disease. A great opportunity for Pre-med, Pre-nursing, Pre-PA, Public Health students! 2021 programs start July 3rd or August 7th.