Keywords: Education, Social Work, Community Development.
IE3 Global collaborates with an in-country partner to provide high-quality, personalized internship opportunities. Through personal contact and hands-on student engagement, our partner matches students with an organization where they can learn and make a valuable contribution. They have professional opportunities in education, social work, non-profit organization management, and community development.
Keywords: Art, Architecture, Design
IE3 Global collaborates with an in-country partner to provide high-quality, personalized internship opportunities. Through personal contact and hands-on student engagement, our partner matches students with an organization where they can learn and make a valuable contribution. They have professional opportunities in architecture, green building, UI/UX design, VFX art, and 2D art.
Keywords: Agriculture, Environmental Science, Sustainability, Forestry, Biology
IE3 Global collaborates with an in-country partner to provide high-quality, personalized internship opportunities. Through personal contact and hands-on student engagement, our partner matches students with an organization where they can learn and make a valuable contribution. They have professional opportunities in agricultural business, agritourism, sustainable agriculture, and climate adaptation in agriculture, climate change, forestry, and biological research and development.
Keywords: Public Health, Mental Health, Social Justice, Counseling, Family and Child Services, Human Rights, Marginalized Populations, NGO/Non-Profit
Participants will have the opportunity to interact with clients of the host organization. At certain sites, you will participate in group therapy sessions, support groups, or workshops to address specific issues, such as stress management, grief, or substance abuse. You will also have the opportunity to participate in community outreach programs and initiatives to raise awareness about mental health and promote the services offered by your host organization. Further professional development opportunities may include attending relevant workshops, seminars, and training sessions to enhance your counseling skills and knowledge.
Keywords: Early Childhood Education, Elementary/Primary School, English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL), High School/Secondary School.
If you are interested in pursuing a career in education, you will likely want to spend as much time as possible in a classroom environment under the supervision of a qualified teacher. An education internship in Cape Town offers you the ideal opportunity to gain practical international teaching experience in a unique cultural setting. The experience is guaranteed to broaden your global perspective on education, helping you see how education is approached and valued outside of the States.
Keywords: Advertising, Accounting, Entrepreneurship, Event Planning, Finance, Human Resources, Marketing, Merchandise, Public Relations, Trade and Commerce, NGO/Non-Profit, Sustainable Development, International Studies
Participants of this internship will be paired with a host company based on academic goals and technical skills. As many startups are fast-paced environments, you will be in communication with your host site prior to your arrival to confirm your specific roles and responsibilities as they relate to work cycles. No coding experience is required but is viewed as a bonus.
Keywords: Advertising, Accounting, Eco-tourism, Entrepreneurship, Event Planning, Finance, Human Resources, Marketing, Merchandising, Micro-Enterprise Development, Public Relations, Trade and Commerce
IE3 Global collaborates with an in-country partner to provide high-quality, personalized internship opportunities. Through personal contact and hands-on student engagement, our partner matches students with an organization where they can learn and make a valuable contribution. They have professional opportunities with a business focus in Australia.
Keywords: Early Childhood Education, Elementary/Primary School, English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL), High School/Secondary School, NGO/Non-Profit, Event Planning
IE3 Global collaborates with an in-country partner to provide high-quality, personalized internship opportunities. Through personal contact and hands-on student engagement, our partner matches students with an organization where they can learn and make a valuable contribution. They have professional opportunities in education and non-profit management in Australia.
Keywords: Biology, Botany, Eco-tourism, Ecology, Environmental Conservation, Environmental Sustainability, Scientific/Environmental Policy, Zoology
IE3 Global collaborates with an in-country partner to provide high-quality, personalized internship opportunities. Through personal contact and hands-on student engagement, our partner matches students with an organization where they can learn and make a valuable contribution. They have professional opportunities in biological and environmental sciences in Australia.
Keywords: Computer Science and Engineering, Information Technology, Biotechnology
IE3 Global collaborates with an in-country partner to provide high-quality, personalized internship opportunities. Through personal contact and hands-on student engagement, our partner matches students with an organization where they can learn and make a valuable contribution. They have professional opportunities in engineering, technology, and computer science in Australia.