More photos from this internship can be found here
Our partner in Edinburgh is dedicated to inspiring, empowering, and supporting people of all ages, cultures and abilities, as an expression of compassionate Christian values. The focus of the organization is to support caregivers and those requiring care through three types of services.
Our partner in Edinburgh aims to maintain a full range of programming that addresses physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual needs to meet identified need. The center particularly focuses on the needs of people with a diagnosis of dementia and their caregivers. The center also provides community facilities for the local population, and quality office accommodation for other charities. Every year the Centre provides services to over 180 community, citywide, and national groups that serve the 2,500 people who come to the center each week.
The host organization will work with you to tailor your internship focus to your individual skill sets and needs, as they match with the needs of the organization. Descriptions of two sample focus areas are below:
Caregiver Support Program
Help caregivers in Edinburgh maintain their own health and well-being so they can fulfill their duties effectively for the long-term. The services offered address the needs of caregivers in a holistic manner by providing short breaks away from their caring responsibilities, peer support, emotional support, practical support, information, and educational & learning opportunities. The purpose of these courses and events is to give caregivers the chance to remove themselves from their caring role for a few hours and simultaneously develop their individual skills and interests. They take place at venues across Edinburgh.
Activities for the intern:
Non-Profit Marketing and Fundraising
The center aims to organize successful fundraising events, and submit persuasive applications to British charitable trusts. As most fundraising work involves encouraging others to raise money for the charity, the intern will primarily:
Interns are expected to demonstrate:
Ideally, interns will have previous experience in non-profit work, social services, working with families and clients living with dementia
*Fee amounts are calculated with an exchange rate from British Pound at the time of posting.
Interns arrange their own housing.
Learn more about past interns’ experiences below:
Fall: April 15
Winter: September 15
Spring: November 15
-Junior or Senior standing or equivalent experience in the field of social services and/ or non-profit management required.
-Academic focus on human development and family sciences, social services, non-profit management, youth and family development.