Oregon State University is committed to nurturing climates of compassion and inclusivity for all learners, visitors, and employees. We envision collaborative community environments that engage civility and embrace diversity. As a program of Oregon State, IE3 Global is unequivocally committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion for all, as we serve students and international partners from a variety of backgrounds.
We aim to create a welcoming, caring, and inclusive community, one that strives for equity and equal opportunity; shares fundamental values grounded in justice, civility, respect and collaboration; and nurtures diverse people, ideas and perspectives that inspire creativity and achievement.
We value inclusive excellence and see diversity as informing our mission, broadening and deepening our understanding, and enriching our lives.
Oregon State University, the home of IE3 Global programs, affirms its commitment to the elimination of discrimination and discriminatory harassment, and the provision of equal opportunity for all. An objective of Oregon State University is the creation and maintenance of a positive atmosphere of nondiscrimination in every phase and activity of university operations.
Harassment and intimidation can impede an individual’s ability to participate fully in the educational process. Acts of discrimination, harassment and insensitivity hurt and degrade all members of the campus community, whether victim, perpetrator, or observer. Every member of the university community is responsible for creating and maintaining a climate free of discrimination and harassment.
To our social media community, if you witness behavior on social media sites associated with IE3 Global that does not adhere to these standards, kindly reach out and alert us to the post. We will take action to address the situation. If you see discriminatory posts on non-associated social media sites, we implore you to take action and report each instance of bias, discrimination, and/or hate speech that may appear on social media, including Facebook. Together, we can aim to create and maintain a climate that furthers inclusive excellence.