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Keywords: Marginalized Populations, Sustainable Development, Family and Child Services, NGO/Non-Profit, Women's Empowerment Support a New Delhi-based public charitable trust, which provides homes and resources for orphaned and abandoned children and underserved young adults in India. Interns will support activities from the head office and can also organize and assist with educational and social programs in the children’s homes. Opportunities are available within teaching (English, art, technology, life skills, etc.), social and health programming, IT, communication, organization, and management. Unique homestay option for interns to live at one of the children’s homes.

Educational & Social Program Internship in India

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Keywords: Marginalized Populations, Sustainable Development, Family and Child Services, NGO/Non-Profit, Women’s Empowerment

Support a New Delhi-based public charitable trust, which provides homes and resources for orphaned and abandoned children and underserved young adults in India. Interns will support activities from the head office and can also organize and assist with educational and social programs in the children’s homes. Opportunities are available within teaching (English, art, technology, life skills, etc.), social and health programming, IT, communication, organization, and management. Unique homestay option for interns to live at one of the children’s homes.

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