More photos from this internship can be found here.
Join a vibrant international community of learners near Chiang Mai, Thailand to share your passion for tennis and coaching with children and teens. This is a great chance to learn new techniques and improve your own tennis skills, while sharing your knowledge and enthusiasm for the sport with others. Work with an international team to support PE classes, after-school programs, camps, and elite training year-round. Interns may also support the Tennis Academy with website improvements and media updates, including written and visual content.
The Tennis Academy is part of the larger Traidhos Three Generation Community for Learning, which includes the PTIS International School (Prem), three sport academies, a cooking academy, six different types of specialty programs for students, an artist residency program, a farm, a guesthouse and spa, and corporate event programs. The Traidhos Community encourages families to participate in their children’s learning and offers short and long-term options for families and international groups.
The Traidhos Three Generation Community for Learning is an educational center located near Chiang Mai, Thailand. They are an international community of learners, across all generations, working together for a sustainable future. Students and adults from around the world are welcome to participate in short and long term programs in education, sustainability, leadership, sports, culture, and well-being. Each part of the Traidhos Three Generation Community has its own customer group but in addition to this, each part works with students and teachers of Prem Tinsulanonda International School to offer specialist learning opportunities outside of the classroom as part of the on-going curriculum. For more information, visit the Traidhos website.
Traidhos offers a variety of programs and academies in Thailand, most of which are centrally based at the campus near Chiang Mai. More information about the Tennis Academy can be found here.
The tennis intern will join staff and volunteers within the Tennis Academy to support classes, coaching, and activities. Interns will work alongside experienced colleagues to coach co-curricular classes and provide hitting partners for Team Elite. Depending on coaching level and skill, the intern may work with other player groups as well. Interns will be teaching about tennis, as well as helping students to develop life skills through the sport and training.
Administrative support, particularly in the form of written and visual content for the website and marketing materials, is also expected. Interns may also have the opportunity to support other programs or activities at Traidhos depending on the intern’s background and current needs of the organization.
Shared housing and meals on campus are provided for interns by Traidhos at no cost. Interns can expect to live with other teachers, boarding mentors, and activity staff. The Prem Tinsulanonda International School is a rural campus on 95 acres, located approximately 15 miles outside Chiang Mai. The campus offers outdoor tennis courts, a swimming pool, and safe paths to walk/jog. The campus is also home to the Traidhos Golf and Cricket academies.
Watch a video about the Traidhos Tennis Academy, featuring head coach Mr. LaDe Labya.
“I'm writing now from the end of my third month here at Prem. Living here is like living on a resort, especially when school is out and you have more free time to go to the gym, swim in the outdoor pool, or go biking around the area. It's a beautiful campus tucked away from the busy highway in Mae Rim, amid a quit local village. Many of the people who work with Traidhos are friendly and the office environment is pretty lively, with lots of humorous talk and games and gatherings between coworkers. Life here is very easy and peaceful when not working on a demanding project. You get the three meals a day in the cafeteria and access to all the school's services, which again, makes for pretty comfortable living. Although you're coming to a developing country, it doesn't always feel that way at Prem. Prem is isolated from Chiang Mai, but if you prefer a little quieter and scenic, natural areas, I would recommend Prem.” - Jesse, University of Oregon (interned with the Traidhos Visiting Schools Program)
Fall: April 15
Winter: September 15
Spring: November 15
- Passionate about tennis
- Coaching or training experience
- Experience working with children and teens