More photos of this internship may be found here.
IE3 Global collaborates with New Zealand Internships (NZI) to provide high-quality, personalized internship opportunities for students interested in technology, engineering, and computer science. NZI matches students to internships based on industry interest, professional and academic experience, and personal goals. Interns should consider relevant previous experience and desired professional development at the time of application to facilitate the identification of a relevant opportunity.
New Zealand Internships (NZI) has been coordinating internships with a focus on exceptional service and a well-rounded experience for each intern since 2007. By working with students personally, the NZI team tailors internships and services to each individual. Based in Auckland, NZI places students across the country in 3 or 6-month internships. In addition to a varied internship portfolio, NZI provides additional support for participants on-site, including travel and social activities.
New Zealand Internships works with a variety of host organizations that offer internships working in technology, engineering, and computer science. Some may have a specific focus, while others may provide exposure to many different areas of study. Two fields and some sample placements are:
Information Technology (IT)
*Fee amounts are calculated with an exchange rate from New Zealand dollars at the time of posting.
NZI-Assisted Housing
NZI offers assistance in locating and securing accommodation in New Zealand. Payment for accommodation is due to the local landlord/provider.
Independent Housing
Interns may arrange their own housing if they do not choose NZI-Assisted housing.
Fall: April 15
Winter: September 15
Spring: November 15
-Open to all majors; relevant experience in chosen industry preferred
-Sense of professionalism and strong work ethic
-Must be eligible for a Working Holiday Visa