a Journalism & Communications in Ireland (Virtual) | IE3 Global
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Journalism & Communications in Ireland (Virtual) | Dublin, Ireland

In one of our longest standing and most productive partnerships, interns will collaborate to market a monthly magazine, publish website material, and coordinate digital content. Intern perspectives add creative vision and improve the overall quality of products. The position includes opportunities to conduct market research, design layouts, edit and proofread content, and more. Interns can expect a fast-paced, multi-faceted work experience as part of the small but dynamic team.

Based in the “Enterprise Cube” in Dun Laoghaire, to the south of Dublin, the organization values close relationships with their clients to gain a deeper understanding of the audience they serve. They remain competitive in a fast-changing market due to their expertise that allows them to combine the richness and permanence of traditional publishing with the functionality and dynamism of digital media.


  • Flexible start dates at the beginning of each academic term.


  • Flexible. Interns earn between 4-10 credits by working 120-300 hours over the course 4-12 weeks per term.

The internet is immediate, and extremely useful. Print gives richness and depth. Our partner organization combines the two to engage a target audience and build trusted relationships that grow stronger and more profitable over time. As the winners of the PPAI Customer Magazine of the Year Award, the judges described their work as “effective branding and a perfect blend of design, editorial and marketing in one package.” Additionally, the organization has created deep, functional website content for clients such as, Tourism Ireland, Fáilte Ireland, UCD and the IMI.

Interns contribute in many aspects of magazine and online media production:

  • Layout, editorial tasks and production of a print magazine – content production, fact checking, finding images, caption writing, proofreading, meeting deadlines
  • Editorial tasks, content production, content migration, website management skills for online media
  • Attend events in the local area, and research topics for the magazine

Academic Background:

  • All majors may apply. Interns with a background and experience within their chosen industry are preferred.


  • Proficiency with office productivity software, web-based technologies, and graphic design are helpful, but not required.
  • Interns are expected to demonstrate responsibility, professional motivation, flexibility, and effective communication skills.

Language Requirements:

  • English is the language of communication. Interns must be capable of written and spoken communication at a near-native level in professional settings.

The program fee factors in the total number of work hours, the duration of the internship and the number of academic credits. During the application review phase, your Program Coordinator will provide you with an estimated program budget, based on your specific circumstances and internship program. See examples of estimated program fees below.

Quarter Schools

1 undergrad academic credit = 30 total work hours

  • 4 credit internship (120 work hours):    $1,272
  • 5 credit internship (150 work hours):    $1,590
  • 6 credit internship (180 work hours):    $1,908
  • 7 credit internship (210 work hours):    $2,226
  • 8 credit internship (240 work hours):    $2,544
  • 9 credit internship (270 work hours):    $2,862
  • 10 credit internship (300 work hours):  $3,180

Semester Schools

1 undergrad academic credit = 45 total work hours

  • 3 credit internship (135 work hours):    $1,431
  • 4 credit internship (180 work hours):    $1,908
  • 5 credit internship (225 work hours):    $2,226
  • 6 credit internship (270 work hours):    $2,862
  • 7 credit internship (315 work hours):    $3,180
  • 8 credit internship (360 work hours):    $3,816


  • Internship sites vary in their availability of work hours per week. Most internships can offer between 10-20 hours per week and most students prefer to stay within this range of hours.
  • For internships that falls in between the academic credits/work hours model outlined above, the cost will default to the next highest program fee. For example, for a quarter school, an internship totaling 135 work hours will default to the higher cost of a 150 hour internship, $1,590.

Learn more about Noelle’s experience here.


Fall | Winter | Spring | Summer

Application Deadline

Fall: April 15
Winter: September 15
Spring: November 15

  • Priority Deadline - January 15
  • Standard Deadline - February 15
  • Basic Requirements

    - Any major is eligible, provided the student has some previous journalistic experience, and strong writing, editing and proofreading skills.