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As an aspiring journalist, having a more global look on life seemed like a necessity....

What It’s Really Like Working in PR

As an aspiring journalist, having a more global look on life seemed like a necessity. If I am expected to cover stories with an unbiased view, it only seems right to get outside of my comfort level and explore the world first—hence the internship abroad.

Why public relations? PR and journalists work closely with one another. While I want to focus on the writing side, public relations have always interested me. Why not give it a test run while I’m young and still have time to alter my career path? If I fall in love, I already have work experience. If not, I now know the other side of the business and can better expand my relationship with public relations.

Turns out, while I may not want to work in public relations my entire life, I quite enjoy many of PR aspects. I start my day off every morning by reading all of the newspapers and magazines and writing a report for the office of any news that may relate to our clients. From there, I am given tasks that could range from making cuttings or PowerPoints, social media tracking, hand delivering packages to VIP clients, writing emails or editing press releases.

Often times, there is one—or more—event each week. My first week, I attended and helped run the company’s social media accounts for the Notion Magazine Launch Party. Never did I ever think I would become immune to the excitement of a launch party attended by local celebrities and influencers, but it has become part of the job.

My first day, I was on the hunt for envelopes. Assuming they would be kept in the cabinets, I was surprised to open the doors and find the space completely packed with cases of beer. The next cabinet: half gals of gin. The next: glasses, spoons, bottle openers all with alcoholic branding. It wasn’t until my coworkers saw my face and began chuckling that they told me the envelopes with wedged between the cases of beer. I guess that’s what you get at a public relations company that represents a lot of alcoholic brands. Besides alcohol, they represent beauty products and various forms of entertainment or venues.

This internship has allowed me a glimpse into life after college. Working 9 to 6 everyday has its downfalls, but I have gained valuable experience and made connections across London—not to mention being able to add my friends onto the event guest lists.

However, I have discovered that while I have what you could consider a ‘fun’ summer internship, I need a job one day that is more interactive. I can hardly say this internship is a desk job, but I need a future career that is even less so. I need to be on my feet and interacting with others. My attention span will not allow for anything less. Reporting and writing is still #1 in my eyes.